1. Company Information:

Company name: Flore Lumière

Address: Jan Valsterweg 61b

Phone number: 085 060 9028

Email address: info@florelumiere.com

Chamber of Commerce number: 93259069


  1. Terms of use:

2.1 This website and content are the property of Flore Lumière and are protected by copyright and trademark law.

2.2 Use is permitted for personal, non-commercial use, unless otherwise agreed with Flore Lumière.


  1. Liability:

3.1 Although Flore Lumière strives for accuracy, we accept no liability for any errors.

3.2 Use of the website and information provided is at your own risk.


  1. Privacy Policy:

4.1 Flore Lumière respects the privacy of all users and treats personal information confidentially.

4.2 Our privacy policy applies to all personal data collected and used.


  1. Amendments:

Flore Lumière reserves the right to make changes to the website and legal notice without prior notice.


  1. Applicable law:

This website and legal notice are subject to Dutch law. Disputes will be submitted to the competent Dutch court.


  1. Contact:

If you have any questions or comments, please contact us using the contact details above.